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        Company NewsIndustry news

        "Lets join us and become a reader" - Welmetal sheet second quarter theme cultural event "open book help" kick-off meeting was held smoothly

        2019.07.04 21:19

        On April 19th, "Let's be together, become a reader" - Welmetal sheet second quarter theme cultural event "Unpacking Book" will be held on the first floor of Welmetal sheet, from Yan Zhongwei, director of knowledge management of Zhengzhong Group Knowledge Management Center, administration Zhang Fuzhao, deputy manager of the Department of Human Resources and Learning and Development, and the "Demolition of the Rudder Master" of various departments, a total of 13 people participated in the event.

        "Insert Book Help" activity introduction

              The event was hosted by Manager Zhang. After a brief introduction to the whole event, the strict supervisor was invited to give a detailed introduction to the "opening book help". Reading, are we really correct? How to read a book to make it the most valuable? "Unpacking the Book" is a learning method designed according to the five axioms of adult education. It is a process of participation, demolition, and learners' thinking. The "open book" activity is divided into three parts: RIA. That is, through the reading, the promotion, and the use of knowledge (Appropriation).

        "Demolition Book Help" activity punch card

                Subsequently, Manager Zhang led the departments to "open the book rudder master" to carry out a site split book, select the reading fragment for "how to cultivate their own unique views", after 10 minutes of reading, everyone "rudder The Lord "resonated with the "changing the angle of view" in the reading essays, and engaged in deep and intense discussions, sharing from work and study, and colliding with many sparks in thought, and each "open book rudder master" also established a life. Neutralize the flag in the work.

        "opening the book" on the spot

        Discussion of each "rudder master"

                Finally, strict supervisors have once again empowered the "open book gang" activities, emphasizing the key points in the process of "opening the book", how to effectively "open the book" to get more Know how. Manager Zhang released and explained the "open book" plan and process. Subsequent "rudder masters" will carry out departmental book-breaking activities. At the end of June, the "open book" event will be selected and the team award will be selected: "Most. "Best Book Splitter" Award and Individual Award: "Welmetal Top Ten Gold" "Demolition" Award. I believe that the follow-up department's "open book" activities will collide with more ideological sparks, and the "open book" will be successfully concluded.


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